Collagraph Printing

Collagraph Printing is a print making process where you glue and stick a variety of materials onto cardboard to create a collage type printing block.

I started my collagraph printing process by creating my printing blocks, I created my first design with string which was stuck onto cardboard with PVA glue.

I then created 4 more blocks using foam.

My last block I created using this type of cardboard packaging.

I then left my blocks so the PVA glue could dry.

Once the blocks were dry I was ready to start making some prints and patterns with them. I started by rolling a thin layer of ink onto the table before placing my block into it and then printing it on to the paper. After trailing with this method with my string leaf printing block for my first couple of prints, I decided I was going to change my method as not enough ink would get on the block to create a good print. I then put a bit of ink on the table before applying it to my printing block with a paint brush, this method covered the block/design with ink. I then placed the block onto the paper and with a clean roller I rolled the back of the printing block, this extra pressure gives a better and more even print.

This printing block is definitely my favourite one I have created as it makes such a lovely pattern.

Here are some of the photos of the prints that I have created using my collagraph printing blocks. I printed my designs on both fabric and paper.

Collagraph printing is definitely one of my favourite methods of printing. I used string, foam and cardboard to create my printing blocks but you can use a huge variety of different materials which will give different patterns and shapes.

I then once I had used all my blocks and finished all printing, I then left my blocks to dry and hopefully I will be able to re-use them and just use a darker or the same colour ink and paint it on the blocks to create more patterns with them. This is the downside of using collagraph printing to create patterns is that some of the blocks your create you will not be able to re-use as you can’t wash them or wipe off any excess ink but mainly over time they will fall apart. However if you used another type of printing such as Lino you can just wash off the block and quickly dry it and use it straight away and this block will not wear away or fall apart for a long time.

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