Project 2 – Fashion Dictionary




Collagraph printing – Collagraph Printing is a print making process where you glue and stick a variety of materials onto cardboard to create a collage type printing block.

Collaged Moodboard – A collection of cut out images combined to create a moodboard usually a collage cut outs are randomly placed and not in any particular style or order.




Full drop – The most common repeat pattern is the full drop or block repeat. This design is created by repeating the same horizontal and vertical pattern.



Half drop – A half drop repeat is often used to break up the uniformity of a full drop repeat. A half drop repeat is where a horizontal motif is printed and then another motif is printed below the first one but the start of the motif is inline with the centre of the first motif, this creates a staggered staircase effect.


Image transfer – The process of transferring an image from one medium to another, this can be done using a variety of techniques.




Lino printing – Lino printing/cutting is a technique to create prints, where you cut your design using lino cutting tools into linoleum. You can then use this printing block to create a variety of different prints and patterns


Mark making – Mark making is the creation of a variety or patterns, lines, textures and shapes. Marks can be made with a variety of different mediums. Mark making can be a simple as a dot on a piece of paper. Mark making can be controlled and precise or it can be done uncontrolled, free and without thought.

Multidirectional – A pattern/design that goes in several different directions.

Motif – A motif is the single element that is repeated, when repeated this creates a pattern.

Monoprinting Monoprinting is a printmaking/mark making process that is created by a variety of different lines and shapes. Monoprinting is usually done when you place a piece of paper on a very thin layer of ink, you then make your marks or draw your design on top of the piece of paper using a pencil or pen or another mark making tool to create this. Then place on the piece of paper where you apply pressure this will print. Then you just lift the piece of paper to see the printed design.

Mirror Repeat – A mirror repeat pattern is created by duplicating a pattern and then on your digital design program select the mirror option.

Moodboard – A moodboard is used to display a variety of samples and swatches of colours, textures and shapes. Moodboard’s usually have an overarching theme that is communicated through all your photos and swatches of colour and fabrics.




Primary research – Primary research is research that you undertake yourself, this could be simply finding and collecting items, photography, or obtaining your own data.

Placement – Placement is the positioning of an artwork, print, pattern or motif.



Repeat Pattern – A repeat pattern is the repetition of similar or identical shapes, colours, lines and forms. This repetition forms the pattern or design.


Sustainable fabric dyeing – Sustainable fabric dyeing is when you create a dye which has no negative impact on the environment. Dyes are created using natural resources/materials that are naturally occurring.

Solar dyeing – Solar dyeing is the method of creating a dye and dyeing the fabric using the sun as your heat source.

Secondary research – Secondary research is research that somebody else has collected.


Tiled Moodboard – A Tiled moodboard is usually a collection of square or rectangular photos that are particularly placed and none of them overlap.

Tie-Dyeing – Tie-Dyeing is where you tie sections of your garment or fabric which you don’t want to dye, so when you place it into a dye bath the dye will absorb into the untied fabric leaving a pattern/design.







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