Suzanne Benton – Monoprinting

Suzanne Benton was born in New York in 1936. She graduated from queen’s college with a degree in fine art at the age of 20.

Suzanne has extensively traveled around the world to over 30 different countries and her experiences travelling has influenced her work.

She developed her style of printmaking in 1983, whilst working as a resident artist in Germany. He printmaking style combines both monoprinting and Chine collé, which is a glued paper collage.

She is a well known printmaker, sculptor and performance artist and has been represented in many museums around the world with even exhibitions solely on her work.

Arbor, monoprint with Chine collé

I love the combination of the collage with the monoprint layered on top as it adds an extra layer of interest and detail.

The monoprint design in the red ink goes well with the blue of the image as it is not too bright but still clear enough to see the design and pattern.

I love this print as it has a simple design, which is extremely effective.

I really appreciate suzanne’s monoprints as they are very detailed and each shape is very defined.

Assisi Tangle Tree, monoprint with Chine collé

This monoprint collage is very interesting. However, on this particular piece I cannot clearly see which part has been monoprinted. I think the collage combination is good but I think the monprint part needs to stand out.

I do like the layers of paper, which looked like they have been ripped before being stuck down to create raw edges.


Veteran Feminist of America – Suzanne Benton

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Suzanne Benton Artist

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