Creating digital moodboards using Adobe Illustrator

This is a trial moodboard that I created using Adobe Illustrator, I used this moodboard to trial using the different features and functions in Adobe Illustrator.

An amazing feature in Adobe Illustrator allows you to create a colour chart of colours using the colours from your image this give you an exact match to the image.

I started by inserting my images into Adobe Illustrator, whilst changing the size and scale I held down shift, this helps you to make your image bigger or smaller without stretching of distorting it.

I then duplicated my image using copy (Ctrl C) and paste (Ctrl V) before clicking effects on the menu bar and the scrolling down to pixelate and another menu beside it should pop up and then you choose crystallize. (Effect > Pixelate > Crystallise > Cell Size)

You can then move your mouse to decide where on the image shows all the colours you need for your colour pallete and then you just select that area.

One you have done that you can insert some squares, rectangles or hexagons for you colour chart.

You then select a shape from the shape tool that you want to fill with a particular colour and use the eyedropper tool to to click on the colour you want on the pixilated image, it should then automatically fill your shape with your chosen colour. You repeat this process for the rest of your colour chart.

Another feature that is good is that you can align and evenly distribute all your squares for your colour chart. You can do this by selecting all of the squares you want to align, when they are all selected there should be a thin blue box around all of them. A menu should appear on the right hand side and there is a section, which has several buttons and one clearly states and shows even distribution, if you click on that, it should automatically be changed. On the same menu there should be a button for alignment and this will change.

I then created an actual moodboard on the theme of an autumnal colour palette. I decided to use a section of my trial moodboard which I liked and included it as well.

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