Creating digital patterns using Adobe Illustrator

I started the pattern making process by using the pen tool (shown in the photo below) to create some unusual shapes that could be used as my motif in the pattern, I will create. The pen tool allows you to create any design you want as it even enables you to create curves as well as straight lines.

I also added in some shapes using the shape tool, which I added incase I wanted to create a pattern or motif using them.

I created a very random and unusual motif, whilst experimenting with the pen tool. I then changed the outline and fill of my motif before turning it into a pattern.

To create a pattern in Adobe Illustrator you go to the top menu, click on object, go down to pattern and then a side menu should pop up and then you click on make. Once you have clicked on make, another menu should pop up (Object > Pattern > Make). This menu allows you to change many aspects of the pattern but particularly the repeat of the pattern.

The photo below on the right shows the pattern I have creating using my motif.

For my next pattern I decided to create it with text, so I decided to add a text box and then add in the word nature, I then changed the font, the shape fill and outline. Before selecting Object > Pattern > Make and then I slightly changed the pattern layout.

For this pattern I scanned in my leaf collagraph print in, so I could then make a pattern from it. I then cropped my scan to focus only on the top left print, which I would use to create my repeating pattern.

I then used my cropped image (motif) to create the pattern using the same process explained above.

This is the pattern I have created using my collagraph print.

The final pattern developed further on my previous print. I scanned my triangle collagraph print, before inserting the image into Adobe illustrator. To turn this print into a digital print, I used a tool to trace the print. I then selected the trace and deleted the scan left behind it. I then cropped the digital triangle print to only focus on one section of triangles.

I then used this section to create a 2 different repeating patterns using the method stated above.

I am very pleased with the outcomes of my repeated patterns I have created using Adobe Illustrator. This method of creating repeated patterns is quick and easy.

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