Image weaving

Image weaving is a method in which two different images are interwoven to create one image.

The type of weave that I am creating is similar to a basketweave, where an equal number of weft threads crosses an equal number of warp threads. They each go over one group of threads and then under the next, this is repeated in order to create your weave.

I created this digital weave image to show how the weave should look.

I started by choosing two images that I thought would look good weaved together with a similar a colour and theme.

I then printed of my two photos ensuring that they are both the exact same size.

I then drew lines onto the back of one of both my images where I am planning to cut.

Next I drew on one of my images a horizontal line 1cm below the top of the image. Below the line I have just drawn I added asome vertical pencil lines each 1cm apart. I then cut on the red line ensuring that I did not cut all the way to the top, so each strip is still attached to each other.

For my second image I drew vertical lines, which are each 1cm apart. I then numbered each strip so when I cut them out I know which order to place them in. I then cut along the red lines so I have 21 separate strips.

I then weaved in the second photo into the first photo as each of the strips are still attached at the top so it makes it slightly easier to keep each one in place.

Once I had finished my weave and I was happy with it, I decided to laminate it to hold the finished weave in place.

I am happy with the finished weave, I think that the weave nicely combines the two images without looking too unnatural. Creating a weave is a little bit complicated but once you have done a few rows it is a lot easier and you start to get a lot quicker.

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