Moodboard research

Moodboard – A moodboard is used to display a variety of samples and swatches of colours, textures and shapes. Moodboard’s usually have an overarching theme that is communicated through all your photos and swatches of colour and fabrics.

Moodboards can have a variety of different layouts, the most common layouts are collaged and tiled.

Collaged Moodboard – A collection of cut out images combined to create a moodboard usually a collage cut outs are randomly placed and not in any particular style or order.

Here is an example of a collaged moodboard I found on Pinterest.

Tiled Moodboard – A Tiled moodboard is usually a collection of square or rectangular photos that are particularly placed and none of them overlap.

This is an example of a tiled moodboard I have found.

My personal favourite style of moodboard is tiled as they are very organised and are not as busy as collaged, with nothing overlapping.

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