Creating Batik Dyed Samples

Batik is a technique that uses wax to create a pattern and design on the fabric. The places where the wax is, will not dye when you dye your fabric.

I cut a piece of calico which I could use as a tester piece. In order to create a batik design you use melted wax and a tool especially for Batik it is called a Tjanting tool which allows you too create a design and apply the wax to fabric.

This is my tester I created using the Tjanting tool.

I then got another piece of calico and created a few random designs, here are photos of some of the designs I have created.

I then created another sample with lines and dots. I then used a dye to dye my fabric.

Here are my samples once the have been dyed.

Once my Dyed Batik designs had dried, I then removed the wax from the fabric. I did this by placing my samples between two bits of this newspaper type paper which does not have the print. You then iron over the paper to melt the wax, the melted wax will then absorb into the paper.

Here are my finished Batik samples.

I think the method of Batik can create some really cool intricate designs. However, personally I found this method the hardest as when you are using the Tjanting tool the melted wax can be a bit unpredictable and you can get massive patches of wax I also found it difficult to get any detail designs without this happening.

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