Creating Steamed Shibori Samples

Steamed Shibori is a type of fabric manipulation. It is a technique for adding texture to textiles by using the thermoplastic qualities of some synthetic fabrics, such as polyester. This involves tying marbles, buttons, wooden beads and coins in fabric with string. You can also tie in a variety of different materials to create different shapes and effects.

For my first steamed shibori sample I tied a variety of different sized buttons into some netting.

For my second sample I tied a few buttons into a different type of synthetic fabric.

I then placed my two shibori samples onto a tray, I steamed my samples for about an hour using a garment steamer.

I then left the two samples on the tray to dry.

Once they were dry I cut the thread and removed the buttons to reveal the shape I have created in the fabric.

I am very happy with the way that these samples turned out as it worked well on both types of fabric.

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