Dyed Shibori and Steamed Shibori Research

There are more than 50 different types of shibori. I have focused on two, dyed shibori and steamed shibori.

Shibori is a Japanese word derived from the verb Shiboru meaning to press, squeeze and wring.

Shibori dates back to the 8th century. This method was mainly used by poor people who could not afford expensive fabrics such as cotton or silk. They used this method to dye and design there fabrics. They dyed there fabrics with natural indigo dye.

Over the centuries shibori techniques have evolved and is considered to be the origins of where tie-dye started.


Dyed Shibori uses thread to create gathers, folds and twists in the fabric before soaking it in a dye bath to create a pattern or design. You can also sew a particular shape or design in to your fabric that should create a design on the fabric once it has been dyed.

Here are some secondary research examples of Dyed Shibori I found on Pinterest.

Steamed Shibori is a type of fabric manipulation. It is a technique for adding texture to textiles by using the thermoplastic qualities of some synthetic fabrics, such as polyester. This involves tying marbles, buttons, wooden beads and coins in fabric with string. You can also tie in a variety of different materials to create different shapes and effects. 

Here are some secondary research examples of steamed shibori.



What is Shibori ?

(Kyoto Shibori Museum)

Link : https://www.kyotoshibori.com/what-is-shibori

Shibori History and Definition

(Manifest Color)

Link : https://manifestcolor.com/news/shibori-history-and-definition

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