Harriet Riddell – Free Machine Embroidery

Harriet Riddell is a textile artist, who specialises in free machine embroidery. Harriet has her own website called InStitchYou.


I love this piece created by Harriet as it is very detailed with each section seeming very thought out and intricate.

I like that certain areas of this piece has been filled in with block colour, whilst other areas have just been embroidered with black thread.

This piece looks 3-D, this sense of depth is very difficult to create in 2-D textile pieces, with some things being in the forefront of the piece and some being in the distance. This feature makes this piece really effective.


This pieces is amazing, it is so detailed and you can instantly recognise that it is the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

This piece also has the same sense of depth similarly to the last piece.

I like that this has been embroidered using black thread as this piece looks almost as if it has been sketched.

Harriet has also created a variety of other free machined pieces.



Link : https://institchyou.com

Harriet Riddell Interview

(Textile Artist)

Link : https://www.textileartist.org/harriet-riddell-performance-textile-artist

Harriet Riddell

(Affordable Art Fair)

Link : https://affordableartfair.com/artists/harriet-riddell

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