Cropping Drawing

Cropping Drawing is drawing a section of an image instead of the whole image, this allows you to focus on detail, form ,tone and colour. You can use L-shape crops to choose a section of your image, you draw everything inside of your L-shape crop.

I started the cropped drawing process by drawing and cutting out my L-shaped crops. I chose a photo, which you can see a lot of small details clearly. I then laid my L-shaped crops on my iPad screen with the photo, I then drew a white line box to mark where the L-shaped crops were. I then printed the photo off to look at whilst drawing.

I started by measuring the size of the white rectangle and then drawing on my sketch pad a rectangle the same size before lightly drawing the outline of everything in the square in HB pencil.

I then used coloured pencils and fineliners to add marks and detail.

This is my finished cropped drawing.

I found it hard to create all the small details you can see on the photo of the mushrooms as there are so many. I also found it difficult to match the colours appropriately to the image.

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