Technical Flats Research

These images below show digital technical flats that I have found on Pinterest.

The first two images show two technical flats of outdoor garments created by the fashion brand Patagonia.

These digital technical flats below are all very detailed and have a consistent weight of line throughout the flat. Consistent weight of line is more easily achieved, when creating a digital drawing as you can choose the weight.

These flats are all perfectly in proportion, with clear stitching.

These flats shows all the stitching, the zips and the pockets on the technical flats without needing a callout. All of these technical flats are very clear and you can easily visualise what the final garments would look like.

This digital technical flat of a denim jacket has the design of both the front and back. Some of the stitching on the garment are creating seams and hems, whilst others are just decorative stitching.

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