Fashion Illustrations – Method 2, Series 2

I started by watching a YouTube Video called ‘How to Draw Fashion Templates No.2: Drawing with a Marker’ by the London college of fashion. To get a better under standing of this particular method of fashion illustration.

This is the cover image from a vogue magazine of Lizzo, which I used to create my method 2 illustration from.


I then added my own lines onto the cover image. The bold white lines highlights the shape of the shoulders, the waist, legs and the point of the shoe. These lines are helpful to use for guidance, I drew the lines onto my piece of paper first to use as a starting point.


Below is a link to a Time-Lapse video of me creating my method 2 fashion illustration.

These are three drawings on three separate pieces of paper each drawing show development on from the previous one.

I quite like this method, I particularly like that you start drawing with highlighter and then add to it with pen after as highlighters create bold lines, which stand out and become a feature within the illustration.


How to Draw Fashion Templates No.2: Drawing with a Marker

(London college of fashion – YouTube)

Link :

How to Make Fashion Drawing and Illustration Templates


Link :

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