Maurizio Anzeri Research

Maurizio uses old and vintage photos and embroider’s into them. He embroiders mainly into people’s faces and figures. He focuses in on details such as the eyes and then creates his design onto the image around the specific feature, therefore distorting the image with threads. He obscures and hides certain details of the image, whilst drawing all your attention to other details. His style is very unique, which I like. It is as if Mauricio is showing the hidden meaning behind the photos though his embroidery and artwork.

Maurizio uses on some images embroidery threads that have a big contrast in colour, whilst on others he uses embroidery threads which are all a different shade of the same colour.

Below are 3 images of his work, which I like and am going to use to inspire my own embroidery into a fashion illustration.

I like this particular piece of work as the thread covers half of the mans face but you can still see his key features, such a his eyes and mouth and the shape of his face.


I like the use of similar coloured threads, in this image Maurizio has used 3 different shades of 3. This embroidery looks like a spiral with the dark blue on the outside and the light blue thread around the eye.


I love this piece as it is very bright and colourful and reflects the creative and playful personality of young children.



Maurizio Anzeri

(Saatchi Gallery)

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