My fashion illustrations inspired by the work of Silja Goetz

The image I am going to use to base my illustration of off is the image below of a Vouge cover. I will create this illustration in the style of Silja Goetz, who’s work I explored in my research blog post called Silja Goetz research.


To create this fashion illustration, I first decided to draw an outline of the model and garment as a guide onto a plain piece of A4 paper.

I then gathered a variety of different light pink magazine papers with different textures to create a collaged dress from. I then got a pencil and divided my address outline into a variety of different sized triangles, I then cut triangles the same size out of my collage papers. Once I had cut the triangles out I laid them on the outline to ensure they were all the right size before sticking them down with a glue stick.

Here is my finished illustration inspired by the work of Silja Goetz.

I am happy with my finished illustration, it was really quick and easy to create. If I was to explore this type of illustration further in the future, I would experiment with using different shapes.

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