Comparing the work of Edgar Artis and Small Ditch (Martha Haversham)

They both use a variety different items.A difference between Edgar Artis and Martha Haversham’s work is that Martha normally uses rubbish she finds out and about, whilst Edgar uses a wide variety of different items, which are new and that are not waste.
They both create very colourful pieces and designs.Another difference between the two artists is that Edgar creates full fashion illustrations and outfits, where as Matha focuses on one key thing in each design, such as the legs and feet, the arms and face.
They both create very creative designs.Martha uses magazine cutouts, where as Edgar draws his own illustrations and designs to lay his items onto.

I found the work below all on both of there Instagram pages …



This first piece was created by Edgar Artis and was created using lettuce.

SOURCE : @edgar_artis

This next piece, which is slightly similar to the first one was created by Small Ditch (Martha Haversham) and was created using curly kale.

SOURCE: @smallditch

This piece below was created by Edgar Artis and was created using partially inflated balloons.

SOURCE : @edgar_artis

This last piece was created by Small Ditch (Martha Haversham) and was created using a balloon, she found out on the floor.

SOURCE : @smallditch


Edgar Artis


Link :

Small Ditch


Link :

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