My layered items onto magazine cut-outs inspired by the work of Small Ditch (Martha Haversham)

Martha Haversham uses a variety of different pieces of rubbish, she finds out and about to create her art pieces. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, I personally did not want to pick up and handle other people’s rubbish to create my pieces inspired by her work. So I decided to find as many random items as possible around my house to create them instead.

I started by cutting 2 pairs of legs out of a magazine and an arm. I also gathered a piece of plain paper to use as a background, to try and get some clear photos. Also to lay my random items on and the pieces cut out of the magazine on.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a scrunchie.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a New York snow globe.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a plug.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a plug reversed.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a cotton pad.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and an a green artificial leaf.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and an a yellow artificial leaf.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a face mask.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a face mask.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and the piece of cardboard that is wrapped around a rubber.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and the piece of cardboard that is wrapped around a rubber.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and hot glue gun sticks.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a black thread cotton spool.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and button head pins.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a large bulldog clip.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a random instruction leaflet.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and fairy lights.

This was made using legs cut out from a magazine and a travel size toothpaste.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a mask.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a mask.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and pen pot holder wellie boots.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and embroidery scissors.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a large bulldog clip.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a plug.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a travel size toothpaste.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and unusual plastic paper clip.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and unusual plastic paper clip.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a cotton pad.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a pritt stick.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and two full bobbins.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and a black thread cotton spool.

This was made using an arm cut out from a magazine and some tiny pegs.

I found all the pieces I created in the style of Small Ditch (Martha Haversham) very quick and easy to create. Maybe in the future, when we are not in a pandemic I will trail with using rubbish that I find out and about to create similar pieces to Martha’s work. I really enjoyed creating pieces in the style of her work, as I have never created anything like this before. I would love to explore this style more in the future with projects that it suits.

I believe that the pieces I created were effective and met the key features of Martha’s work other than using random pieces of rubbish.

I think that the favourite piece I created was the second one down on the blog with the snow globe and legs with heels, I like this particular as it is so unusual and random.

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