My layered fashion illustrations inspired by the work of Edgar Artis

I created all my designs below by placing items onto my drawing of a model to create garments.

I started by drawing two templates to add my designs on top of.

These pieces below I created using jelly babies.

These pieces below I created using pistachio shells.

This piece below I created using a banana skin.

This piece below I created using long grain rice.

This piece below I created using cotton wool balls.

This piece below I created using a variety of different size and shade of pink buttons.

This piece below I created using my pencil sharpenings.

I found all of the pieces I created in a similar style to the work of Edgar artis, quite easy to create, although for some of the designs it took a little while to get the items positioned in the right place. I found this, particularly with the pistachio shells as they kept slipping and moving and then I needed to start again.

If I was to create this again I would plan or sketch out my designs first and decide what materials I am going to use, instead of making it up as I go along and using what I can find. This would allow me to create a much more thought out and detailed design, which would be so much more effective.

I think that I would like to explore this particular style of layered illustration further in the future.

I am very happy with how my layered illustrations turned out, I thought they were all quite effective and met the key features of Edgar Artis’s work.

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