Gee’s Bend Quilt Makers Research

Gee’s Bends is located in Alabama and is surrounded by the Alabama river. The women of Gee’s Bend are widely known for their quilt making and they have established their own style and techniques inspired by their strong cultural community and seclusion from the world at large.

This first quilt below was made by Addie Pearl Nicholson in 1974. The size of this quilt is 77 x 77 inches. The quiltmaker has used a variety of different coloured patterned material for this quilt, the colours include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, brown and white. This quilt looks as if it has been planned and designed prior to construction as each piece of fabric looks like it has been particularly chosen, cut and organised to create pattern and design throughout the quilt. There seem to be 9 clear squares with the design in and wide strips of fabric dividing the quilt up to define these squares. Within the 9 different squares there seems to be 9 L-shaped pieces of fabric that are all, different sizes each one is slightly smaller that the previous one, finishing at a square of yellow gingham. I really like this design of quilt, I personally don’t particularly like the choose of colour combination. However, it is still lovely and effective quilt. 2021. “Housetop”—nine-block “Half-Log Cabin” variation | Souls Grown Deep. [online] Available at: <—nine-block-half-log-cabin-variation > [Accessed 28 February 2021].

This second quilt below was made by Lucy T. Pettway in 1975. The size of this quilt is 73 x 66 inches. The quiltmaker has used a range of coloured material for this quilt, the colours include red, orange, yellow, purple and pink. This quilt then has a patterned edge and the materials looks as if it is green and brown. This quilt has a really beautiful design and has quite vibrant colours, like the bright yellow, this colour always gives off happy emotions. This quit has combined several colours of triangle most of which are the same side and has chosen two colours and put them together as if they create a square. This quilt must have taken a long time to make with all the small sections of fabric. 2021. “Birds in the Air” (quilter’s name) | Souls Grown Deep. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 28 February 2021].

This second quilt below was made by Geraldine Westbrook in 1950. The size of this quilt is 80 x 70 inches. The quiltmaker has used scraps of denim and cotton from work clothes to produce this quilt. I really like the resourcefulness of this quilt. I personally think it is very important repurpose and upcyle old clothes that may have holes in them or be worn from good use. I love the combination of horizontal and vertical strips of fabric to create this design as most of the pieces of fabric are the same colour so it creates a nice variation. 2021. Blocks and strips work-clothes quilt | Souls Grown Deep. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 28 February 2021].

I think these quilts can link to data as patterns are a visual representation of data. Patterns usually have a key design which repeats.

I think the pattern and style of the quilts may influence my work.

I personally believe that the exam board chose this group of quilt makers as there is data behind each quilt and also within the patterns and designs.

Overall, I really like the uniqueness of the three quilts I choose to look at but there is a huge collection of quilts made by different women, with different styles.

Bibliography 2021. Gee’s Bend Quiltmakers | Souls Grown Deep. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 28 February 2021].

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