Karen Rose Research

Karen Rose is a textile artist and has recently created a series of textiles pieces inspired by the universe.

This first piece of Karen Rose’s work is called “Andromeda Galaxy”. It is a textiles art piece. Karen has created the galaxy using a variety of different coloured threads, she has used the colours red, orange, green, pink and white. This is combined with colourful embellishments such as sequins added on top, these sequins add a bit of shine and sparkle to the piece. Each sequin may represent a different star in the galaxy. I could not find the scale of this piece or when it was made. I think that this piece is very eye-catching as it is very colourful and sparkly. The way Karen has created this piece is very creative as your eyes are drawn to the centre of this piece where there is a large white circle with little dots around it. I think that maybe this is a cluster of stars in the centre of the galaxy. Everything around this white “cluster of stars” looks as if it is in motion and is revolving around this particular “cluster of stars”. The embellishments and details that have been hand sewn onto a plain black piece of fabric. I definitely could not easily recreate this piece as it has so much detail and has clearly been carefully planned and designed before being made. It also looks as if it has been hand sewn using embroidery threads and hand embroidery which takes a long time to do.

Rose, K., 2021. Karen Rose Textiles. [online] Karen-rose-textiles.com. Available at: <http://karen-rose-textiles.com/#galleries > [Accessed 27 February 2021].

The next piece below is also a textile art piece and it’s title is “The Moon”. This piece has been created using the colours blue, green, purple and white. Parts of the background of the moon looks as if it has been dyed before embroidering into it adding beads and sequins onto the design. I really like this textile representation of the moon is very effective. I think there is a great attention to detail and also there is layering. For this piece I also don’t know the scale of it or when it was made.

Rose, K., 2021. Karen Rose Textiles. [online] Karen-rose-textiles.com. Available at: <http://karen-rose-textiles.com/#galleries > [Accessed 27 February 2021].

The last piece that I am analysing below is called “Orion Nebula M 42 (Taurus)”. I could not find the scale of this piece or when it was made. This is also a textile art piece. This piece has been created using the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink. The background of this piece looks as it has been dyed before adding detail and embellishments onto the surface. I think that this design has been created using netting, embroidery threads, beads and sequins. I think that this piece is really effective. Karen has used several different techniques and has used them to created layers of embellishment within the design.

Rose, K., 2021. Karen Rose Textiles. [online] Karen-rose-textiles.com. Available at: <http://karen-rose-textiles.com/#galleries > [Accessed 27 February 2021].

I think that this can link to data as scientists all around the world have researched the universe, galaxy’s and planets. They have collected and recorded data on them and continue to do so.

Karen’s work could influence and inspire my own style of work and focus on attention to detail.

I have chosen Karen’s work to research and analyse as when creating my initial ideas and research I am very interested in space and the new data that is being collected and the research that is ongoing.

Overall, I really like the style of Karen’s work as it is a very detailed textiles interpretation of a real galaxy, the moon and Orion Nebula.


Rose, K., 2021. Karen Rose Textiles. [online] Karen-rose-textiles.com. Available at: <http://karen-rose-textiles.com/#home2 > [Accessed 27 February 2021].

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