Sewing Suffolk Puffs

I started by gathering all the materials I needed. I used dressmaking scissors, a needle, white thread, a normal pair of scissors (to cut the thread), a pencil and a variety of different sized circular objects to draw around.

I then drew around my circular objects and I then cut the circles out using my dressmaking scissors.

So they looked like this.

Next I threaded my needle and sewed all the way around the edge of the circle using a small close together running stitch. Once I had sewn all the way around I pulled the thread to gather the fabric and create the Suffolk Puff. Now that I had gathered it I then tied a knot in the end of the thread, I then repeated this process to create the rest of my Suffolk Puffs.

This is a photo of my finished Suffolk Puffs lined up biggest to smallest.

This a close up photo of the largest Suffolk Puff that I made.

I am happy with how these turned out, however on reflection I think that I gathered them all too tightly. As there is no circle in the middle, which I want when making them for my garment. This would make them look more like craters and I can also add a different coloured fabric inside using Bondaweb.

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