Suffolk Puff Research and Moodboard

These photos below are photos of Suffolk Puffs I sewed for my final GCSE project. I think the Suffolk Puffs that I plan to make for my garment will be most like the top left Suffolk Puff, which is light blue with a piece of pink felt that has been stuck inside using Bondaweb. I plan to add various sizes of Suffolk Puffs onto my garment to represent the craters on the planet Mars. Supposedly there is at least “635,000” impact creators on the planet Mars.

I gathered a variety of images on Pinterest as inspiration and saved them to my Pinterest board called Final Major Project – Data, Pinterest Board.

I then decided to then create a moodboard from a combination of them and my own photos of the Suffolk Puffs I created at GCSE to further visualise my ideas.

At GCSE I studied Ruth Singer, who is a textile artist. I own Ruth’s book called Fabric Manipulation – 150 creative sewing techniques, where she shows through diagrams with supporting annotations how to make Suffolk Puffs, I still use the book to refer to and remind myself of how to make Suffolk Puffs. I recently went back to it when sewing my own Suffolk Puffs from calico for my samples for this project.

Ruth Singer created a “Circles coat” with a groups of people, made entirely from Suffolk’s Puffs, 500 in total. This coat is very creative and very colourful, this piece particularly inspires me because it is using Suffolk Puffs to create a garment and I plan to put them on my garment.

This is an image of Ruth Singer’s “Circles coat”.

Ruth Singer. 2021. Circles Coat. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 13 March 2021].

I think Ruth Singer is amazing textiles artist, who inspired my work previously and will continue to do so.

Bibliography 2021. Mars Surface Scarred by 635,000 Big Impact Craters. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 13 March 2021].

Canva. 2021. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 13 March 2021].

Singer, R., 2013. Fabric Manipulation. Exeter: F&W Media.

Ruth Singer. 2021. Circles Coat. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 13 March 2021].

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