Bubble/Balloon Skirt research and Moodboard

I am interested in creating a Bubble/Balloon skirt as they have a lot of volume and they look really effective. I envision this skirt being a garment representation of the planet Mars with the colours of mars and Suffolk Puff Craters.

I have gathered some images on Pinterest of Bubble/Balloon skirts as inspiration and saved them to my Pinterest board called Final Major Project – Data, Pinterest Board.

I think that I prefer the longer Bubble/Balloon Skirt as it is a lot more dramatic than the shorter skirts that are above the knee.

I started my search for a pattern by looking in my 6th Edition Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear by Winifred Aldrich book for any skirt pattern that may be of use or that could be adaptable. However, I could not find any pattern that was remotely similar to a bubble or balloon skirt or any patterns that could be easily adapted to create a similar effect.

Next I decided just to search Bubble/Balloon skirt into Google to see what I was able to find. I found a step by step Women’s bubble skirt tutorial on a website called Easy Peasy Creative Ideas. This show you how to create a short bubble skirt but I think I will be able to adapt this to create a longer skirt.


Aldrich, W., 2015. Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear. 6th ed. Chichester. 

Easy Peasy Creative Ideas. 2021. Bubble skirt sewing tutorial. [online] Available at: <https://theseamanmom.com/how-to-make-a-bubble-skirt/ > [Accessed 20 March 2021].

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