Dry brush painting with acrylics onto fabrics

For this project I wanted to explore some different and unusual dyeing methods.

I am starting by experimenting with using acrylics and a dry brush to paint onto some calico. I chose several different acrylics colours, which I then mixed to try and achieve a similar colour to Mars.

I hoped to achieve a lovely brushed effect. However, it did not really work quite how I expected and wanted, I think this would have worked a lot better on paper or card rather than fabric.

So, I decided to get another piece of calico and fully cover the fabric using my acrylic paints, I mixed the acrylics and added sections of lighter and darker patches of colour as Mars is not just on colour or shade there is a mixture of tones.

I then also continued with the same process onto a smaller piece of fabric.

Once the piece of fabric pictured above had dried I used it to make a small Suffolk puff.

When making the Suffolk Puff I realised how rough and tough the calico had become by adding acrylics onto it, the fabric would no longer drape or hang naturally.

I don’t think that I am likely to use or explore this method further within my final piece. Whilst, I really loved the colours and look of acrylic paint on the fabric, I really don’t like the feel and qualities that the fabric has.

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