Dyeing fabric with salt

I started by gathering all my materials. I cut two pieces of calico, collected 4 different coloured dyes, salt and two trays.

First, I dampened both pieces of fabric under the tap. Dampening your fabric before adding your dye allows for better dye saturation.

I then placed one piece of fabric in each tray.

Next, I poured my dyes onto both pieces of fabric before sprinkling the salt on top of both.

The piece of fabric pictured in the right photo must not have been soaked fully with water before I added the dyes as certain areas were resistant to the dye and therefore it did not soak into the fabric.

I then left my fabric to fully dry out, once it had dried fully the salt had crystallised on the surface of the fabric.

After trying to brush and rub away the salt crystals unsuccessfully, I decided to rinse the fabric off under the tap.

This is how the two salt dye samples turned out.

These two samples did not turn out how I hoped or expected. I thought that the sample would have a speckled look as I thought where the salt was on the fabric the dye would resist.

I don’t think that I will be using this method again as not only is it a waste of salt but also it did not work quite how I wanted. Even if it turned out as I expected, the amount of salt I would need for my final piece would be such a waste that is why I wouldn’t use this method.

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