Sewing French Knots Onto Fabric – Hand Embroidery

This sample is inspired by the photos I have taken of stars in the sky on evening, I wrote about this in a post called Worm Moon and Stars Primary Research. This is also inspired by Chesley Bonestell’s artwork, which I looked at in a post called Chesley Bonestell Research. In my photos and in Chesley’s 3 Mars pieces I looked at, the stars look like white dots and Chester represented the stars you can see from Mars with white dots.

I thought about what techniques I could use to represent this through a textiles medium. I then decided that french knots would be quite a good representation as I have used them in my work at GCSE.

I started by gathering everything I needed to create my french knot sample.

I cut a square of black jersey fabric, hand embroidery needles, white embroidery thread and embroidery scissors.

I then randomly sewed french knots onto my fabric. Below is a photo of my finished sample.

I really love the samples that I have created, I think this particular embroidery technique is simple but very effective and has turned out as I hoped, this may be an interesting technique to incorporate into my sample as it adds detail and texture.

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