Garment Windows with different colours and textures behind – Primary Research

For these garment windows designs I have used my own simple garments drawing outline and made 3 different versions of the exact same drawing by removing different sections of the garments, creating a window. I then placed them on different surfaces and photographed each with a different colour or texture behind it.

I have created garment windows before and I wrote about the process in Garment windows and mark making, for my previous garment windows I used magazine cut outs and then placed the sheet of mark makings I had made behind it.

For the first garment window using my design I only cut out and removed two sections of the bodice leaving the rest of the garment the same.

For the second garment window I made I removed just the skirt and left the waist band still part of the design instead of removing it.

For the last garment window I made I removed two sections of the bodice and the main part of the skirt, I left the waist band still part of the design as it is the divider between the bodice and the skirt.

I placed my first garment window onto a gravel path and photographed it.

I then placed it onto some slate and photographed it.

I also placed my first garment window on a brick wall before photographing it.

I placed my second garment window onto dry and broken up soil and photographed it.

I placed my second garment window onto some dry mud that had foot prints in it which gave it an interesting texture and photographed it.

I placed my second garment window onto a patio slab that has texture as well as an orangey colours and tones, however the orange is not that noticeable in the two photos I have taken below.

I placed it onto a different patio slap with another interesting colour.

I held my garment window in front of an orange plant pot.

For my last garment window that I made I laid it on top of a soil path that was dry and cracked.

I also held this garment window in front of a brick wall that had a grey brick as well as red bricks and I used the waistband as a divider so the bodice was a grey and the skirt was red similar to the colours I will use in my final piece.

I really love the garment window photos I have taken I am very happy with them. I tried to find particular colours and texture that would be similar to the surface of Mars or that are similar to the colours and textures that will be on my final piece garment.

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