Reflective Journal including recordings of 1 to 1’s

I did originally plan to do a weekly reflective journal throughout my FMP. However, I only ended up doing it for Week 3, Week 4 and Week 5 as the important information about my FMP and practical work I was writing up within my blogs.

Week 3 – 08/03/2021

For this week I wrote in my project action plan and timetable that I planned to create some garment ideas and choose my Final design. However, as it was the first week out of lockdown back in college I ended up deviating from this original plan and I undertook some further research, created a survey and started to create some samples. 

I am happy that I slightly changed my plan for this week, I think this will end up happening throughout my FMP which is fine. I will still use my project action plan and timetable as a guide and plan. Instead of doing my garment designs this week I intend to do it over the next 3 weeks leading up to half term. 

I have also ordered 3 fabric swatches from fabric land, as we still are unable to go into fabric shops I wanted to feel the fabric and make a better decision of which fabric is best before buying it.

Target for week 4 ….

My target for next week is to trial techniques which I may possibly use in my final piece, do research on the techniques and use moodboards to support and further visualise my ideas.

Create a Mars survey results post, analysing the findings.

I am also going to have a 1 to 1 with my lecturer to talk through my ideas and to ask questions.

Week 4 – 15/03/2021

Monday – 1 to 1 with Lecturer 

I had a several question to ask my lecturer I started by asking where I would be able to get hold of the Pattern Magic books.

  • My lecturer ordered them from a library.

I asked whether there is a criteria that you have to meet in order to achieve certain grades.

  • I now have the criteria sheet and understand what I need to do in order to strive to achieve a merit or distinction.

I finally explained my current ideas and how I envision my final piece will look. I asked about how I could combine a sleeveless pattern magic bodice block and a balloon/bubble skirt with an invisible zip down the back to create a functional dress.

  • My lecturer said I could create a bodice block and a skirt separately and when put on together it would not be that noticeable that they are separate pieces. I now plan to create two separate piece a bodice block and a skirt block.

For this week I wrote in my project action plan and timetable that I planned to trial a wide variety of techniques that I may incorporate within my final design and blog about the process. This week I kept to my action plan and I created samples for sever techniques.

 The techniques I have trailed …

  • Dry brush painting with acrylics onto fabric.
  • Dyeing with salt 
  • Ice dyeing 
  • Dyeing with sand and rocks
  • Steamed Rock Shibori

I also made a list of all the fabrics and other materials I am going to need for this project and ordered most of the materials already to ensure that it arrives in good time.

I have also made a post analysing the results from my Mars Survey. 

Unfortunately next week we only have two days, that we are actually in college. I plan to stay longer where I can to maximise the time I have in the workshop over the next two weeks before the Easter break.

Target for week 5 ….

Create my pattern magic bodice pattern.

Sew my pattern magic tester bodice together.

Week 5 – 22/03/2021

For this week I wrote in my project action plan and timetable that I planned to create patterns for my garments and start to sew my practise version of the garment as well and evaluate the process within my blogs. I have definitely stuck to my plan this week with only two days in college I focused just on the bodice. So I made the pattern for the bodice as well as sewing my practice out of fabric and I have blogged the whole process.

I plan to have a 1 to 1 with my lecturer next week to review my project so far and talk about certain aspects that are missing or that I should focus on over Easter.

Target for week 6 ….

Create the pattern for the balloon skirt 

Sew my practice ballon skirt together.

Create my garment design ideas drawings.

Create a detailed plan for Easter looking at the things missing or needed within my project.

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