Sewing french knots onto my close fitting bodice block with Pattern Magic – Final Piece

In a previous blog called Sewing French Knots Into Fabric – Hand Embroidery I wrote about how I made a french knot sample and also where the inspiration behind the sample came from, the french knots on the sample represents stars.

I was really happy with how the sample turned out so I decided to sew french knots onto my final piece bodice, which I made in my last blog called Pattern cutting and constructing my close fitting bodice block with Pattern Magic – Final Piece.

To sew french knots all I needed was hand embroidery needles, white embroidery thread and embroidery scissors.

I started by randomly sewing french knots on the front of my bodice, on the front of my bodice I sewed quite a few french knots at the bottom of the bodice and gradually going up the bodice they became more spaced out and I then did the same to back of the bodice.

Below is photos of both sides of the bodice with the french knot all over the bodice.

Sewing all of the french knots onto my bodice definitely took longer than I originally anticipated.

However, I really love the bodice covered in the french knots which represents the stars, I think this embroidery technique looks very effective. I very happy with how my bodice looks now that it is completely finished, the french knots not only add detail but also texture to the garment.

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