Styling and photographing my final finished garments

Once I had finished my bodice and skirt I wanted to take some photos of them together.

A friend took photos of myself wearing the finished garment and I printed those photos of and put the in my folder.

I tried to make both garments to my size and the bodice fitted well. However the skirt is a bit too big around my waist so I had to pin the skirt with a safety pin. I also had to pin the skirt when it was on the mannequin as it was also still slightly too big.

The mannequin has a silver wig to match the silver strip of fabric.

I used a ring light to try and get as clear photos as possible.

Below is a photo of the front and back of my garments on the mannequin.

Below is photos of both sides of the garment on the mannequin.

The next photos are of the bodice and the skirt.

The Mars Perseverance Photo Booth, has a variety of different background options and you can upload an image and it will add your silhouette to the photo and then you can save this image.

I used my front photo of the garments on the mannequin and uploaded that image to 4 of the different backgrounds.

The first photos are of the mannequin on the surface of Mars.

The last photos is of the mannequin on the surface of Mars stood by the NASA Perseverance Rover.

I really love the photo booth photos as this links incredibly well with my theme.

I am so happy with how my final garments look in the photos.

Bibliography 2021. Mars Photo Booth. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 26 May 2021].

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