Texture and colour moodboards – Primary Research

For my I am looking at the topic of Mars within the overarching theme of data, I thought it would be interesting to take some primary research photos.

I took photos of different colours and textures that maybe similar to the colour and texture of the surface of Mars.

All of the photos in the moodboards are my my own.

The moodboard below is a texture moodboard of man made and natural objects, I decided to use my bubble wrap photo as a background to link in with the theme.

The next moodboard below incorporates both colour and texture moodboard of man made and natural objects, I decided to use my stones photo as a background to link in with the theme.

I really like how both of the moodboards have turned out, I can now refer back to them in the project as inspiration.

Places I have previously visited – Primary Research

Due to the coronavirus pandemic I have been unable to visit any museums or exhibitions to do with my theme, however instead I am going to reflect on previous places I have visited and what I can take from those experiences even though it is a few years ago.

In 2010, I visited Kennedy space centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida. This is the location of where the NASA Perseverance rover was launched in 2020. One thing I can clearly remember from this visit was the silver reflective of foil on the shuttles and rovers in the museum section.

I also more recently visited the National Space Centre in Leicester and they had a gallery all to do with Mars. In the Mars exhibit there was a small remote control rover that you could navigate on an area that replicated the surface of Mars.

Peer Review – Primary Research

One way to evaluate and improve my project is to get feedback from my peer’s so I asked 4 people in my class to review my work.

In the table below is the comments and feedback I got from my peer’s.

The strengths that my peers have identified within my FMP are my research, annotations and practical skills, one person particularly liked the Ice Dyeing, which I am including in my final garment.

I had several suggestions for improvements that I could make within my FMP these were more primary research, more workshops, more design drawings, a colour palette for final idea and explain final idea thoughts.

As I am still at the midpoint of the FMP and have not finished yet I still planned to undertake some more primary research as well as a few more workshops. I have already created an idea of the colour palette within my moodboards which I created around my theme. However when I write about my final design idea drawings that I have already drawn, I could create a digital colour swatch for my final piece. Also when I write my final design idea drawings I will explain the thought and process behind the drawings and what I have taken inspiration from.

Another thing that my peers liked about my work in particular is the practical work and experimentation, one person liked that when my practical did not go to plan or how I expected I still make detailed notes about it.

For what still needs to be completed 3 people said my final designs idea as I have already done them but not yet done the post for it. The final design idea post is my top priority for what need to be done next as it is very important.

One person said for what still needs to be completed is my final outcome, which is my final garment. I have only just moved on to making this, so it will be completed by the end of the project but cannot be completed imminently.

I found this peer review to get other peoples perspective on how my project is going, what I need to improve on or I need more of and what has gone well a very useful exercise. I will respond to their feedback by doing the key things that have been suggested.

Garment Windows with different colours and textures behind – Primary Research

For these garment windows designs I have used my own simple garments drawing outline and made 3 different versions of the exact same drawing by removing different sections of the garments, creating a window. I then placed them on different surfaces and photographed each with a different colour or texture behind it.

I have created garment windows before and I wrote about the process in Garment windows and mark making, for my previous garment windows I used magazine cut outs and then placed the sheet of mark makings I had made behind it.

For the first garment window using my design I only cut out and removed two sections of the bodice leaving the rest of the garment the same.

For the second garment window I made I removed just the skirt and left the waist band still part of the design instead of removing it.

For the last garment window I made I removed two sections of the bodice and the main part of the skirt, I left the waist band still part of the design as it is the divider between the bodice and the skirt.

I placed my first garment window onto a gravel path and photographed it.

I then placed it onto some slate and photographed it.

I also placed my first garment window on a brick wall before photographing it.

I placed my second garment window onto dry and broken up soil and photographed it.

I placed my second garment window onto some dry mud that had foot prints in it which gave it an interesting texture and photographed it.

I placed my second garment window onto a patio slab that has texture as well as an orangey colours and tones, however the orange is not that noticeable in the two photos I have taken below.

I placed it onto a different patio slap with another interesting colour.

I held my garment window in front of an orange plant pot.

For my last garment window that I made I laid it on top of a soil path that was dry and cracked.

I also held this garment window in front of a brick wall that had a grey brick as well as red bricks and I used the waistband as a divider so the bodice was a grey and the skirt was red similar to the colours I will use in my final piece.

I really love the garment window photos I have taken I am very happy with them. I tried to find particular colours and texture that would be similar to the surface of Mars or that are similar to the colours and textures that will be on my final piece garment.

Texture crayon rubbings – Primary Research

Below are some crayon texture rubbings that I made to see if I could achieve a similar texture to the surface mars, I can then use these texture rubbings as inspiration.

I have chosen 4 crayons that I think are most similar to the colour of mars.

I used plain white A5 pieces of paper for my texture rubbing as I don’t think you need a full A4 page for it.

The first texture rubbing I made was of the patio slabs we have in our garden, I chose to do each rubbing with only one colour of crayon instead of using more than one together.

The next texture rubbing I did was of bricks.

This texture rubbing is of my giant pencil pot thimble.

The texture rubbing below was made using bubble wrap, the first rubbing I made of the bubble wrap I used a light orange and you could not really see the markings it made as it was so light. So I made a second rubbing using a darker red crayon and it was a lot easier to see the finished texture rubbing.

The next texture rubbing I made was of foil which I had crumpled before laying my piece of paper on top.

The very last texture rubbing I made was just of the pavement and it created a really lovely speckled effect and it also sort of reminded my of the stars in the sky at night.

I am happy with all the different texture rubbings I have made.

Initial Design Ideas and a Vote

To create my initial design ideas I used the highlighter and biro method, which I learned about and experimented in Fashion Illustrations – Method 2, Series 2.

This method is really useful as it allow you to create a rough drawing in only a few minutes.

One thing that I particularly struggle with in creating design ideas is drawing arms, legs and feet. They did not turn out that well in the design below but I only drew them in a few minutes and when I create my final design ideas I will take a lot longer in drawing the designs so hopefully they should look better.

The first design shows a one cube pattern magic bodice block, with french knots and a short bubble/balloon skirt with Suffolk puffs all over the skirt.

The second design shows a one cube pattern magic bodice block and a medium to long bubble/balloon skirt.

The third design shows a one cube pattern magic bodice block, with french knots and a medium to long bubble/balloon skirt with Suffolk puffs all over the skirt.

The fourth design shows a one cube pattern magic bodice block, with french knots and a skirt with Suffolk puffs all over the skirt.

The last design shows a one cube pattern magic bodice block, with french knots and trousers with a zip and button at the front, rolled hems at the bottom of the trousers with Suffolk puffs all over the trousers.

I then created a digital tally chart so I could get my family members to vote, I used the data collection method of a tally chart as it is a very quick method to collect instant data rather than using survey, I was only able to get my three family members to vote due to Covid and online lessons, however this allowed me to move on to creating final design drawings straight away.

The results were two votes for the 3rd drawing and one vote for the last drawing. I then used these results as my final decision for what design I am going to go with so I am going to create design number 3.


London College of Fashion, 2021. How to Draw Fashion Templates No.2: Drawing with a Marker. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=d4OS1mOYjrE&feature=emb_title > [Accessed 15 March 2021].

Worm Moon and Stars Primary Research

There was a full Worm Moon on Sunday 28th March 2021. It is called a Worm Moon to mark the beginning of spring and the earthworms come out.

The moon is visible without a microscope and appears to have an orange tones and is very bright. Below are two photos I took of the Worm Moon.

I am really happy with how my photo turned out, I thought that although my theme that I am focusing on is Mars, the moon in these two photos are a similar colour to the planet Mars.

Below are a few photos of stars in the night sky, I took the photos as I was inspired by Chesley Bonestell’s Mars paintings, where the distant stars are represented by white dots.

You can also see stars from earth.


Old Farmer’s Almanac. 2021. Full Moon for March 2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-march > [Accessed 7 April 2021].