Comparing the work of Edgar Artis and Small Ditch (Martha Haversham)

They both use a variety different items.A difference between Edgar Artis and Martha Haversham’s work is that Martha normally uses rubbish she finds out and about, whilst Edgar uses a wide variety of different items, which are new and that are not waste.
They both create very colourful pieces and designs.Another difference between the two artists is that Edgar creates full fashion illustrations and outfits, where as Matha focuses on one key thing in each design, such as the legs and feet, the arms and face.
They both create very creative designs.Martha uses magazine cutouts, where as Edgar draws his own illustrations and designs to lay his items onto.

I found the work below all on both of there Instagram pages …



This first piece was created by Edgar Artis and was created using lettuce.

SOURCE : @edgar_artis

This next piece, which is slightly similar to the first one was created by Small Ditch (Martha Haversham) and was created using curly kale.

SOURCE: @smallditch

This piece below was created by Edgar Artis and was created using partially inflated balloons.

SOURCE : @edgar_artis

This last piece was created by Small Ditch (Martha Haversham) and was created using a balloon, she found out on the floor.

SOURCE : @smallditch


Edgar Artis


Link :

Small Ditch


Link :

David Downton Research

David Downton is a very well known fashion illustrator, who has worked with some big fashion brands such as Chanel, Topshop and Dior.I have picked 3 of David Downtown’s fashion illustration to inspire my own fashion illustrations in a similar styles. 

This first fashion illustration looks like it has been with a marker pen, such as a Promarker. This illustration has been created on a yellow background with details of the dress added in black with a variations of weight of line with some lines being thin whilst other sew very thick. I really like this style of fashion illustration and I particularly like the use of a bold block of colour to then add your design too.


I think that the illustration below has been created using watercolours, I also love, that for this dress the bodice and skirt are both created using a block of colour, one red and one orange.


I think that the final illustration I have chosen to focus on has been created using the combination of different coloured lines and thickness of line to create this stunning illustration.



David Downtown

Link :

About – David Downtown

Link :

Kareem Iliya Research

Kareem Iliya is a artist, who creates illustrations but has also created pen and ink drawings and paintings as well.

I have picked 3 illustrations, which I love, to use as inspiration for my own illustrations which I will create in a similar style.

All three of the illustrations I have chosen focus on the silhouette of the model and garment.

This first illustration is a black filled in silhouette of the model and the main details of the dress, which appears to be striped with a bow and another large eye catching detail attached to the side of the dress. I think that Kareem has created the lovely blue and green, watercolour background first and then after added the illustration onto that background in black.

I really like this style of work and I think that it is extremely effective.


This piece looks like it has been created only with purple watercolours using a variation of light and dark tones of purple to create an illustration and design.

This must take a lot of skill to create such a beautiful illustration with a clear figure and some more detailed areas such as the head piece all from one colour.

These illustrations shows that you don’t have to have loads of detail and colour in your work for the final piece to be an amazing piece of artwork it is the process, the method and creativity behind the piece that makes it so incredible.


This finial piece that I have chosen I think is made from ink and is of a silhouette of a figure filled with loads of different coloured inks, which have dispersed and mixed with the other colours to create this vibrant and uplifting illustration.



Kareem Iliya

Link :

Kareem Iliya, 1967 ~ Fashion watercolor designer

Link :

Illustrations by Kareem iliya

Link :

Amazing Fashion Watercolour Illustrations by Kareem Iliya

Link :

Silja Goetz Research

Silja Goetz is a mixed media illustrator based in Madrid. Silja Goetz creates a wide variety of illustrations on many different topics.

I have picked 3 fashion illustration pieces of her work to inspire my own fashion illustrations in a similar styles.

All 3 illustrations below combine drawing with geometric shapes to create the design.

I like the combination of different triangles filled with a different colours, patterns and textures. These shapes are overlapped and are particularly placed to create a unique garment and illustration. The face, head, neck and arms have all been drawn in pencil. This illustration has been created onto a blue wooden effect background.


This illustration has been created on a patterned background using a variety of different sized triangles to create the garment/dress that the model illustrated within this design is wearing. The model has been drawn in pencil. I think that this illustration is very effective.

The illustration below has been created with a pencil and with layering of different sized circles to create a garment for the model. The model has be drawn in pencil. The model also has a head piece created by the overlapping of three circles all the same size and colour.


Silja Illustration

Link :

Silja Goetz Illustrations


Link :

Maurizio Anzeri Research

Maurizio uses old and vintage photos and embroider’s into them. He embroiders mainly into people’s faces and figures. He focuses in on details such as the eyes and then creates his design onto the image around the specific feature, therefore distorting the image with threads. He obscures and hides certain details of the image, whilst drawing all your attention to other details. His style is very unique, which I like. It is as if Mauricio is showing the hidden meaning behind the photos though his embroidery and artwork.

Maurizio uses on some images embroidery threads that have a big contrast in colour, whilst on others he uses embroidery threads which are all a different shade of the same colour.

Below are 3 images of his work, which I like and am going to use to inspire my own embroidery into a fashion illustration.

I like this particular piece of work as the thread covers half of the mans face but you can still see his key features, such a his eyes and mouth and the shape of his face.


I like the use of similar coloured threads, in this image Maurizio has used 3 different shades of 3. This embroidery looks like a spiral with the dark blue on the outside and the light blue thread around the eye.


I love this piece as it is very bright and colourful and reflects the creative and playful personality of young children.



Maurizio Anzeri

(Saatchi Gallery)

Link :

Technical Flats Research

These images below show digital technical flats that I have found on Pinterest.

The first two images show two technical flats of outdoor garments created by the fashion brand Patagonia.

These digital technical flats below are all very detailed and have a consistent weight of line throughout the flat. Consistent weight of line is more easily achieved, when creating a digital drawing as you can choose the weight.

These flats are all perfectly in proportion, with clear stitching.

These flats shows all the stitching, the zips and the pockets on the technical flats without needing a callout. All of these technical flats are very clear and you can easily visualise what the final garments would look like.

This digital technical flat of a denim jacket has the design of both the front and back. Some of the stitching on the garment are creating seams and hems, whilst others are just decorative stitching.

Pattern Magic Research

Pattern Magic is range of patternmaking books from Japan written by Tomoko Nakamichi. Tomoko Nakamichi has written 4 pattern magic books, which takes inspiration from many different areas, such as nature, geometric shapes and also from the street.

Tomoko Nakamichi was a professor at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo. Tomoko Nakamichi also delivers lectures and courses in Japan and also all around the world.

The photos below show the front covers of the Pattern Magic books.

This cover depicts a bodice, which has three 3-D cubes intergrated within the garment. I love the 3 -D element to the garment, it makes the garment more interesting, I like the use of neutral fabric as it does not distract from the cubes. This garment must have been made with a stiff fabric as the cubes hold their shape very well.


This pattern magic book displays half a garment draped onto a mannequin with a spherical sleeve that has folds. This half of a bodice garment looks like it has been made out of a light weight fabric such as calico as if it was a heavy fabric it would not hold its shape. It is a very unique and creative design, which I like.


This pattern magic cover below, shows a geometric bodice piece, which does not tightly fit the silhouette of the mannequin but instead creating its own silhouette using the geometric shape. This garment is very interesting and it also must be a tricky garment to construct with the triangular shapes and folds.


This final cover of the pattern magic book shows a garment with an unusual shape and silhouette.


This is a photo from Amazon of the inside of the first Pattern Magic book.


This is an example of what someone has made by following the pattern magic books.

This garment has 5 tied-knots in the back of the garment.



Pattern Magic as a source of inspiration -part 1

(The Shapes of Fabric)

Link :

Pattern Magic


Link :

Research about alternative materials in fashion

There are several alternative materials that are more sustainable that can be used in the fashion industry.

One of the alternative materials is made from the waste from plants and fruits, such as pineapple. The material is an alternative to leather, which is more sustainable and not from an animal.

H and M have started to incorporate leather made from grapes into their garments. They use the waste from winemaking, which creates a vegan leather, which is more environmentally friendly.

Another alternative material is made from Bamboo fibres to create fabric and clothing. Fabric made from Bamboo is a more sustainable option. There are several benefits of using bamboo fabric, it is soft fabric and also is hypoallergenic.

The BBC created a really interesting film called “Recycling fashion: The town turning textile waste into clothes- BBC News’, which shows a small town in Italy where they recycle and transform old unwanted clothes into new clothes. They uses the recycled fibres from the old clothes, which they can then sell to fashion brands or to locally make new clothing from. This process is also recycling and renewing wool, which is a more sustainable process as they are reusing resources.

The photo below is a screenshot from the BBC film, that shows the recycled fibres from old clothes.

SOURCE: Recycling fashion: The town turning waste into clothes- BBC News (BBC News – YouTube) Link :


Six fashion materials that could help save the planet


Link :

Recycling fashion: The town turning waste into clothes- BBC News

(BBC News – YouTube)

Link :

H and M

Link :

Alternative Materials for Sustainable Clothing

(ADEC Innovations)

Link :

A Quick Guide for Organic Fabrics and Eco-Friendly Fashion Alternatives

Link :